June 18, 2015

How to Keep Your Decorative Pillows Clean

Posted by Unknown | June 18, 2015 | Category: , |

Decorative pillows add personality to your living space, so periodically cleaning them is a must. Since decorative pillows aren’t the type to simply be thrown into the washing machine, a little extra care by hand washing is needed. The first thing you should do is carefully read the care label on your pillow to determine the best method for cleaning. Many decorative pillows are able to detach the cover from the insert. Look for the zipper and continue to read the care label. But for those that do not detach, check the fabric to determine how you should proceed.

1.    Wet Cleaning Method
This method should be used for cotton, linen or synthetic fabric. To test whether this is the right method, pick a small spot on your pillow that is not easily seen. Dab the pillow with a damp sponge or cloth to see if the color leaks through. If so, this fabric should be dry cleaned. If not, use a mild upholstery shampoo and rub the pillow until it is nice and lathered, but not soaking wet. Clean the entire pillow and with a clean white towel pat away all the excess foam. Finally allow the pillow to completely air dry.

2.    Dry Cleaning Method
If your pillow fabric is made of velvet, silk or upholstery then the best method of cleaning will need to be done by a professional dry cleaner.

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